Our Mission

The mission of Service Access & Management, Inc. is to help people throughout our service area enhance the quality of their lives by effectively and efficiently managing and/or providing needed, accessible and individually satisfying human services.

Our Vision





Individuals have the right:

  1. To be treated with dignity and respect.

  1. To retain and exercise, to the fullest extent possible, all the constitutional, civil, and legal rights to which they are entitled by law.

    1. Service Access & Management, Inc. (SAM) observes all applicable State and Federal Statutes and regulations and does not discriminate against the individual based on age, race, sex, religion, ethnic origin, limited English proficiency, disability, economic status, or sexual orientation or preference.

  1. To be free from any type of abuse (emotional, physical, or sexual), financial or other exploitation, humiliation, or neglect.

  1. To have safe and healthy personal relationships, which are integral to health, safety, and well-being, in general;

    1. To Pursue and enjoy their personal relationships and express their sexuality in a safe, consensual, and legal manner, while respecting the rights of others;

    2. To Self-identify their gender, sexual orientation, and sexual preferences.

  2. To have control, choice, and freedom of services, decline participation or disenroll from programs and services offered by the organization

  1. To have accessible services with reasonable accommodation and receive understandable information

  1. To be encouraged to participate in the service planning process as the individual is able, including participation of parents with whom the individual/child is living.

  1. To access objective, accurate, non-judgmental, comprehensive, and appropriate education, information, resources, and services that address their physical health, sexual health, personal relationships, and sexuality needs.

  1. To help choose who will serve them, including upon readmission to the service or a change in staff. SAM will honor such requests, if possible, based on staff availability or other identified needs.

  1. To be informed of the names and functions of staff that are providing direct service to them.

  1. To not be closed from services for non-attendance or non-compliant behavior because of mental illness or emotional disorder.

    1. All information used to make a determination about closure will be discussed with the individual, documented, and, if applicable, approved by the County MH/DD Program or Children and Youth Program.

  1. To appeal if they have been closed from case management services over their objections, or the objection of a parent if the child is thirteen (13) years of age or younger for mental health services, eighteen (18) years of age or younger for mental health services and for other services.

  1. To voice grievances and make recommendations and/or suggestions with regard to their service.

    1. The individual will be advised of the result of the grievance review within a reasonable amount of time, and without fear of retaliation or retribution.

  1. To access supports and receive services in a manner that ensures their privacy, in general, and relative to personal relationships, sexual health, and sexuality, in particular.

  1. To privacy when accessing supports and to have information about their personal relationships remain private unless they consent to a disclosure.

    1. Privacy covers all forms of communication. Information regarding an individual’s personal relationships, sexual health, and sexuality should be considered private and must be treated with respect and dignity.

    2. The individual’s records are confidential. SAM will not release them without their knowledge and consent.

    3. If however, the individual should disclose intent to harm another person, SAM is required under the law to notify that other person of the individual’s intent (see Duty to Warn Policy).

    4. Further, if the individual discloses that he/she has harmed or intends to harm a child, SAM staff are mandate reporters, and as such, are obligated to make notification in accordance with regulation.

  1. To choose, without fear of retribution or retaliation, whether to participate or not in research projects.

  1. To trauma-informed service delivery and the ability to review and provide feedback on policies and procedures related to assessment, planning, and trauma-informed practices within the agency through the SAM Advisory Group located in the “groups” section of our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/serviceaccinc/groups/?ref=page_internal

  1. Individuals receiving Mental Health Services have the right:

    1. To refuse to participate in services without prejudice to other parts of their service program, if they are fourteen (14) years old or older, unless court-ordered. If they are under the age of eighteen (18), their parents will be notified of their refusal.

    2. If fourteen (14) years of age or older, to consent to the service without the consent of their parent, if they understand the nature of the treatment and if they sign and release records.

    3. To create a Mental Health Advance Directive, which promotes planning ahead for mental health services.

Individuals have the responsibility:

  1. To follow the mutually agreed-on case management plan or notify the case manager if they cannot follow the plan.
  2. To provide the organization with the information necessary to deliver services.
  3. To notify the organization and their usual care provider, if applicable, if they disenroll from the program

SAM provides staff with related policy, information, training, and other resources as necessary and helpful in promoting an environment which facilitates service planning and collaboration with other stakeholders; safeguards these rights; and supports the safe and healthy personal relationships of persons served.